URL: http://home.peterbe.com:8088/PCMJ

This weekend I finished the bulk of my dissertation, which is a web application for academic staff to publish their academic papers online. The first target audience is for staff at City University Mathematics Department to whom I will deliver the project. The idea is that doctors and professors can submit their scientific papers on this web application. They enter some meta data about the paper such as title, abstract and co-authors and lastly upload the PDF or Word document that actually is the paper. The administrator will with time compile "Issues" which are basically bundles of papers published together with a little comment.

Registration is open to anyone but requires moderation. I.e. you can't log in straight after you have registered. Also all papers that registered members submit will need moderation too. This is done by a group of people (currently only me) who have administrator access.

My dissertation is about the computer science in building a web application. I.e. planning, data structures, algorithms, design, content management etc. It has "nothing" to do with mathematics even though I'm an undergraduate student of the mathematics department.

Please do go and visit the site and use it to help me get it as good as possible. There might still be bugs or spelling misstakes that needs to be taken out. When you register I will moderate you and please avoid rude words and try to make your example data as real as possible.

Now the last thing for me to do is to write the actual report about the project. That is what I will submit but my grade will based on the judgement of the web application. When I have finished my report I hope to show that on my web page too if I'm allowed.



Every page on the site as two links at the bottom that are for this last development phase only. One is for validating the XHTML and one is for giving me feedback or bug reports.

Your email will never ever be published.

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