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One question that popped up yesterday was pretty interesting:

What state do the Simpsons live in?


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I hope this helps

just google search there adress and it comes up as massachussett. Evergreen Terrace, Hampden, MA 01036


idk where they live. i think matt groening is just messing with us. they live anywhere and everywhere. can we all agree they liv in springfield. no state, just springfield. it dosnt matter which state there from, its a show. shows never give clear answers.

Consider this!

its a tv how. its not real. its never real. its a cartoon. ade purely for entertainment. one day they live in kentucky and the next day they live in Illinois. either move states overnight or they dont exist. they are not real. its just imagnation. trust me.


theres an pisode im watching right now called regarding margie. the address says:
"Scott and Brenda
74 Evergreen Terrace
Springfield, USA"

No state was included. which means is no existing state they live in.


there is 1 episode during the opening credits, when they zoom out of their house then their city, than the US, than earth and so on, and the location looked about where illinois




They live in MI. In the episode three men and a comic book bart takes a can or something to the quick-e-mart, Apu asks Bart if he wants to use the money for another squishee but Bart says he needs the dime. If you look at the top of an aluminum can 10 cents is in MI.


They live in "North Takoma" a fictional state combine all springfields (and one shelbyville) but the question is where is it?

It has to be on the east side, but it isn't North Takoma spreads throughout the United states being as the states in it are sections. So the animators change it every time. Capitol City being Springfield Illinois. In one episode Lisa points out the sprinfield map West springfield is bigger than Texas, which is Waverly Hills


The state is supposed to encompass all the characteristics of a bunch of U.S. states. For instance:
Homer's License reads NT and the postal ZIP code as 49007, which is Kalamazoo Michigan.
The Area codes for Springfield are 636 which is in Missouri, and 939 which is in Puerto Rico.
The state is said to be 2,000 miles from Orlando Florida.
I-95 runs through this state.
The state has the death penalty.
The state has a nuclear power plant.
The state borders Nevada, Maine, Kentucky, and Connecticut.
All maps of the state are very vague and can be over several different states. The state is fictional and was made so on purpose so that people at work won't be bored because they will have something to keep them occupied.


EXACTLY ive been saying that for years now.


no no ....people have to argue over which state the simpsons live in even though the state they auctually live in is completey FICTIONAL!!!!! Can't you get that in your head dumbasses. Thanks to Kevin for clearing that up.


p.s the name of the town the simpsons live in is in the episode ' two bad neighbours'

Ass Fag

Im Happy


It's based in Pennsylvania


In the episode where they go to Florida, near the very end, They've been banned from nearly every state in the US. How could they live in a state where they are banned from? Simple, it's just Springfield, an imaginary state/province/place.


Walt Whitman is buried in (or near) Springfield and since Walt Whitman is actually buried in Camden, New Jersey, I'd say the Simpsons live somewhere near Camden. The area is certainly crappy enough to be Springfield.


In the latest episode (Season 21 ep. 21 aired on May 9, 2010. Moe narrates, in the opening few seconds, that he moved to the city because "the zip code looks like "BOOBS" on a calculator." A quick google search puts the Simpson's town of "Springfield" in a location known as "Barney, ND." The actual town of "Springfield, ND" is approximately 250 miles away. Unless someone else can spell "BOOOBS" on a calculator any other way than "58008". So maybe the secret is still out there.


Man I hate to do this to you but you can also spell boobs 80085 I think that's Louisiana.


They live in a state where 5 states connect to it. West Virgina. Watched it on the new episode where Side Show Bob escapes from prison and kid naps Bart taking him to Mexico.


there is no 80085 zip code


North Dakota, because the epsisode in which Moe says he's going to run away with either Apu, Reverend Lovejoy, or Homer's wife, he said he moved here because it spelled BOOBS on the calculator, with is 58008, which is Barney North Dakota, and Springfleid is near Barney. Also snow so it makes sense! this is from wiki


i hate to burst your bubble but i can spell boobs on a calculator!!


I think it's misuri because in one episode where homer is complaining about thier area code they say it's 636 which is a misuri area code


Since there is about a million springfields in the US, I saw next to Louisville Kentucky, simpsonville sits right next to shelbyville. also in an early episode they said it was a "northern Kentucky family."


watch episode 2120 - To Surveil With Love, homer and friends bet inside a bar about the weather and there is a u.s map with clouds, the news man later says "golf ball sized hail." If you look at the states where the clouds are I believe close to them are the possibilities. I have always thought Springfield Illinois.


they might live in springfield, ne. On the episode when the bring the map zoomed out to the aliens (i forget what its called) and it looked like it zoomed out of nebraska


there is no springfield it is a fictional place in america

Peter Bengtsson

Boooring! Come on! Keep faith alive!


I think its fictional but it is supposed to be BASED on a mid west style state but it actually isn't ont because its got desert, ocean, land lock, forest and so on..... thank-you, jason from london england


if u watch the episode in which sideshow bob switches faces with the new neighbor they go to where the 5 states meet following state highway 194 which goes through Springfield Indianapolis


when nelson has his birthday party he asks if route 88 was backed up, that hwy is in california and goes into nevada, with the hurricanes that they refrence i believe they live in california, which sucks because california sucks, Go Louisville


check this out.

first off, all the different clues, they don't add up. what makes the most sense is illinois but there are a number of clues refuting that possibility. so most likely the makers are just toying with people. like people have said, springfield is supposed to be a slice of america, not a real place with a real location.

but theres another question that you can ask: what city is springfield based on?

one of the producers said NT in the license plate stands for north tacoma. which doesnt exist, but tacoma does. its in washington.

theres one crazy clue I found for Springfield to be based on the Washington tri-cities. not 'be' in washington, but based on the tri-cities.

this is way leftfield btw.

in the episode eternal moonshine of the simpson mind (season 19), homer falls down a hill. theres a sign on the hill that reads: Snow Sculpture Contest. Every word is in a new line. Signs are often used to contain hidden messages.

So the first 3 letters of each word are: SSC. So that would be an abbreviation. SSC can stand for a number of things, says wikipedia, but none of those could contain any information. Except for one: Shelby Super Cars. A car manufacturer.

It is based in the tri-city area. In september 2007 their SSC Aero car broke the guiness world record for speed. The episode that contains the SSC sign aired in december of that year.

Conclusion: Springfield is not IN Washington, its not in a real state, but its BASED on the tri-cities.


The shelby part is relevant cause of shelbyville naturally. And I know the company was founded after the conception of the simpsons, but the clue was not. And the world record probably occured sometime in pre-production.

So my reasoning goes: Sign - Letters say SSC - Abreviation - What real life abreviation could be relevant to Simpsons - Shelby Super Cars - Location SSC: Tri-cities = Basis for Springfield.

Also this is in line with A LOT of clues.

Examples: drive to Oregon. west of the lakes. in a northern state (due to climate and geographical evidence). on the westcoast (same). and to top if off a quote from one of the producers himself.


Area code of Homer Simpson's private police force company in The Simpsons, The Simpsons (season 13), Episode 22, "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge", and of Springfield before it was split into 636 and 939 in The Simpsons (season 12), episode 2, A Tale of Two Springfields.

btw the area code 636 is an area code from missouri ;D enjoy guys :D


so theyre obviously from missouri :)


Dudes I KNOW THE ANSWER IF ITS NORTH OF MISSOURI AND STARTS WITH AN O ITS IOWA don't get mad at me if you find some proof against me


sorry wait its nebraska

David Capo

Yeah I'm thinking it's any state that starts with an N.


wait no in the episode ON A CLEAR DAY I CAN'T SEE MY SISTER it shows its in Iowa but in the episode MOANING LISA she wails out for the farmer in Iowa. so its a tie between Iowa and nebraska so we need some proof for a tie breaker

David Capo

Man it could be Northern California.


In that case if it's between Nebraska and Iowa, it would be Sioux city.


i'm pretty sure it's meant to be a generic place designed to represent every state. The bit in the simposons movie about it bordering on Ohio, Maine, Nevada and Kentucky I think supports this, as well as lisa's line in "Half-Decent proposal; "west springfield is three times the size of texas. there are no states with an area three times the size of texas. nonetheless, I'll put up areas which I think can be eliminated.

It has a coast. Springfield has a harbor and a beach from which they can reach international waters (you can get to open sea from any of the great lakes). So all the land locked states can be ruled out. Thats:
Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. It can't be Maine or Ohio either, because it borders them. In "Maggie makes three" Homer implies that Springfield is not in California, and Skinner does the same about Upstate New York in "22 short stories". They don't live in Florida because they went there on vacation in "Kill the alligator and run". It has to get a fair degree of snow, every winter, so Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia can be ruled out. In one episode they are planning on flying to Delaware, so it's not Delaware. Homer sales in a nuclear sub from Springfield to Russian waters, which implies they're on the west coast, but he could have sailed the long way around. I'd say the leading candidates are Illinois and Oregon. No one has mentioned these states, and I think they're possibilities too: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan.

croc hunter

springfield, australia.

i live here and sure they came here on holiday but every day i walk outside the house it feels like a holiday.


well, in the "behind the laughter" episode the narrator says sumthin about "...this norther Kentucky family"


That's what I said!!! (high 5! lol)

David Capo

SLAP (Me slapping high five)


If there were an answer yet people would know. If no one knows him he wrote futurama and there are so many lil things in that show. A created languge that u have to desipher among other little fun facts and codes. And that show was on for less then five full seasons. It prob started out abiguous and as people grew intrest with popularity they desided to start leaving clues and at this point its so built up u have to wait till the end of the show. He is good with closure as we have seen with futuramas many cancelings so if he wants it to be known it will be by the end of the show.

David Capo

Or it could very possibly be New York since they ran into Bender in one of the episodes that take place in the future. That's where Futurama takes place.

David Capo

Sorry bud but I'm pretty sure Springfield is in the US of A.

David Capo

The last one was for the croc hunter. The reply button is screwing up on me right now...


you guys are all nerds, in the episode where sideshowbob tries to kill bart using the 4 states that meat chief wiggum comes from one of the states

David Capo

Aw yeah dude never thought of this. But which states are they? One of them's obviously Texas.


they cant live in new york because homer says it sucks plus who cares.


I know this doesn't exactly pinpoint a certian state but in the tenth commandment episode Bart pleads with homer not to cut the illegal cable wire because he will miss watching the Atlanta Braves. So maybe a south eastern state. (He still could live anywhere though)

David Capo

Hey North Dakota because in one episode Moe said he moved to Springfield because the ZIP code spelled BOOBS. (58008)

the grilla

durango mexico?


Its not MI... When Homer meets his half brother, there is a sign at the end of the show that said now leaving MI.


to much snow? not to long to canada? There in vermont


I'ts a made up springfield because it has to includ an ocean because they had a hurricane and also cartoons live in made up cities like king of the hill arlen texes and family guy Quahog rhode island sorry if I spelled it wrong the only show that has a relly city is god the devil and bob on [adult swim] so there's no springfield but there's a simpson house in las vegas

the grilla

it seems like there is a contradiction in a lot of episodes about the location. theres hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, desert, ocean, a world trade center, a hollywood style sign that says springfield i think springfeild is a place in a secret location kind of like area 51 but like Brendan says theres a simpsons house in los vegas so all signs point to nevada my home state muthha fukkas



David Capo



and you still come back .....

David Capo



everybody the state the simpsons liv in does not exist watch the map of the states as you hear the reding of the essays in mr. lisa goes to washington and you will see the the letters on the state is NT and that is not a state but you have to pause is at the right time to se it

the grilla

NT has to mean Nevada territory.


They live in Illinois. When you think of Springfield.. it is Illinois!


just saw an old episode of the Simpsons, the one about revenge, and right at the end of the episode, homer and the old cowboy/adventure capitalist dude are fighting with each other. Bart tells a story about revenge "bartman" and at the end of it homer and the old guy make nice because they both found out they are from Connecticut! I would put my money on Springfield being here somewhere

P.s. couldn't find the name of the other character


eather Illinois or indana


watch this to find out


and heres some states that they dont live in


David Capo

Having returned recently from a trip to the West Coast, I've discovered that in fact several streets in Portland Oregon are named after Simpsons Characters. So also possibly based on Springfield Oregon.


it's in Kentucky just found out


david thats because groening is from portland.

i think its montana because homer attempts to pay bard with bills printed by the "montana militia" ahahah


The MOST concrete clue that I have ever seen drives home the conclusion that they are not from any real state in the US, and it could make the argument that they are, in actuality, from Canada.

Watching the episode "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington" I kept a close eye on the map as they were traveling around the country displaying different contestants give their speech. When it pans back to Lisa's speech, the map crosses over a section where 4-states (territories?) meet at a single point, with Springfield in the one at the Northwest corner. Anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention in grade school geography knows that this implies it could only be Utah. However, that precludes the assumption that it is in the US, and that overrules a fact that is hidden in the same clip.

Just as the map is fading from the shot of the map over to Lisa giving her speech, the abbreviation "NT" is displayed the same as a state's abbreviation would be displayed on the map. It goes by far too quickly and is so faded that you can't make it out unless you pause the video at the perfect time. The catch here is that there is no US state with the abbreviation NT, however this is the abbreviation of the Northwest Territories in Canada. Far fetched, right? Well take a look at a map. The Northwest Territory just happens to also be in the Northwest corner of a 4-province intersection.

Unfortunately, this argument falls apart in the exact same episode. A clip later on shows a man lobbying to demolish Springfield National Forest. The map he is showing depicting the forest has Springfield U.S.A. written in big letters on the bottom. Interestingly, it shows a Springfield Lake which holds a striking resemblance to the Springfield Lake just south of Springfield Illinois. There are a lot of other clues dispersed throughout the episodes that indicate this is the true state, but there are also clues that say it cannot be in Illinois, including one where Homer points to Springfield Illinois on a map as his home town, but Lisa tells him he's wrong.

I thought it was interesting that someone stated earlier that a fictional state named North Tacoma was credited by David Silverman as the "actual" home of the Simpsons. In all reality, this makes the most sense. As so many people have pointed out, there are conflicting "facts" about the Simpsons home state that can only be justified with a fictional state. In one episode, the Simpsons are holding hands while each one of them is standing in a different state, including Maggie. This means that they were standing in 5-different states that came together at the same point! That's only possible if we create a fictional state. There are MANY other "facts" that support the claim that Springfield is in a fictional state. All you need to do is scroll through this site to see all the conflicting arguments.

North Tacoma fits the bill, from the earlier explanation that the state's postal abbreviation is NT. So now the real question becomes, where would North Tacoma's boundaries be drawn?


WHATEVER, it is Springfield, Illinois. The creator lives nearby to my knowledge. Which to me, screams that it is Springfield, IL. We have a mayor, the water arguement (we have Lake Springfield...other than that we have lots of land obviously), MANY of the resteraunts are similarly named after Springfield sites. WE have a shelbyville~! .....we have the smokestacks~!~!~! Did I mention the creator is from nearby?

SPRINGFIELD, IL....watcht he old contest videos. Springfield, IL actually presented nothing BUT real evidence, most of which is different from the stuff I cited.

Furthermore, long ago they did an episode on the toxic lake (because of the power plant)....Springfield's power plant SITS on the lake is partly maintained by the company.....ANDDDD shortly before that episode I do believe we had an outbreak of dangerous Leptospirosis stemming from extensive contact with the lake, and the occuring bacteria levels......

Nearly every episode screams Springfield, IL....it is such a mute point to argue otherwise imo, but go head trolls.....I challenge anyone to come up with more evidence than Springfield, IL.

And I hate the "maps" arguement.....there are many episodes where they tease viewers with maps, and they tend to be very different. Obviously Springfield is a metaphor for hometown, America.

However....creator living nearby + evidence = Springfield, IL


I understand the creator is from Oregon and based most of Springfield on the Springfield there (however he clarifies that the Springfield in the Simpsons world is not the same Springfield). Illinois actually has some of the best evidence supporting it that I've seen. But for my money, Springfield is everywhere and nowhere. There's evidence for and against a lot of states (Illinois included), most of which conflict each other and lead to nothing conclusive. I think if there HAS to be an answer, Illinois and Oregon would have the most similarities to the fictional town, but I'm pretty sure there is no real answer.


it is springfeld, IL because in the 9th episode of the 19th season the zoom out from there house to see a map of the world and it looks like it is in kuntuky, BUT, in the simpsons movie the say that one of the border states of springfeild is kuntucky which elimanates kuntucky from being the state they live in and since IL is right next to KN it must be Springfeild,IL.


Maybe play one of the episodes backwards and see if there's a hidden message...


the simpsons live in florida because in the simpson hit and run buy marges inmate costume and at the back it says florida state


The simpsons are from Ohio. In the Halloween episode where the giant ads come to life (either #5 or #6 i think), a building that's identified as "The birthplace of Vincent Peals" gets crushed. Norman Vincent Peale is from Ohio. Check his Wikipedia page.


The simpsons are from Ohio. Check the Halloween special #5 or #6. The one where the ads come to life. A building identified as "The birthplace of Vincent Peale" gets crushed by the lard lad monster. Norman Vincent Peale is from Ohio. Check his Wikipedia page.

Jamie Ross

most of u are fucking idiots. just to back up chas here, the simpsons are from ohio! how could u guys not know this by now?

Jamie Ross

when marge is giving their home address over the phone in one episode she is clearly about to say ohio just before maude randomly walks in, as a not so subtle cover up, not to mention the fact the show has ohio written all over it with its surroundings and characters. they put in all these other clues to keep idiots like u guessing years after the question has already been answered. shame on anyone who said anything other than OHIO!



David Capo

I'd say Oregon.


hey it can't be montana because in one episode homer gave ned flanders a card that says "meet me in moontana. from jesus"


just saw tonight's episode. as they were zooming out it seemed to be around michigan, so i'd say illinois or ohio

From Hello

I just finished listening to a radio broadcast saying that the state they live in is Oregon. Saying that it is based off of Portland or something like that.


see the gay marrige episode and look up in wich states its legal


ok...possibly the town Springfield is in North Takoma which is probably east-central US
west springfield being thrice texas, would then cover much of west us.
kentucky/illionois/ohio/north missouri area


In "Sideshow Bob Roberts",someone on the KBBL radio station said "51th state".

Springfield is 51st state


In "Sideshow Bob Roberts", the clocks in the background when Barlow is speaking shows the times of different places. Springfield does not match the time for Los Angeles. Therefore, it can not be Pacific Time Zone, so can not be on the West Coast.

ciaran marshall

Springfield is in Oregon


Jesus H Christ... I can't believe people are still posting on here. I came on this site like 4 years ago and now see that STILL no one has found the answer yet. But keep trying. I'm sure you'll all get it one day, all you have to do is find a state that has a city 3 times bigger then Texas y'all.




there is an episode where they show a map of the U.S. and they cross off another state they were banned from and theres only like 2 states not marked off one of them have to be the state they live in


The Simpsons marathon might revive a few threads floating around on the interwebs like this one...

Based on what I've read here so far, all I've learned is that a sad amount of Simpsons fans don't actually understand Simpsons humor...so many facepalms.

eric barinka

actually, the state in which springfield resides was revealed years ago. in one of the episodes homer holds up his drivers license showing his address. his thumb is of course strategically placed over the state however the zip code is still visible if you freeze frame and zoom in (yes i obviously have far too much time on my hands). the zip code is in michigan.


I'm not biased, as I have lived in many of these states but through my travels and research, there is no doubt in my mind it's Oregon. If you follow the trail from Oregon to California you will see.

Phil H

Based on what Mat Groening said, there is no specific Springfield. It is supposed to be whichever one you are closest to. That is why the clues don’t match up. Here is the article: https://ew.com/article/2012/04/16/simpsons-oregon-chalkboard/

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