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Is peanut butter the proof that evolution doesn't happen?

March 29, 2007
5 comments Politics

Is peanut butter the proof that evolution doesn't happen? Hmm. Of all the stupid things conservative Christians and other fundamentalists make up, this must be near the top. Apparently, the fact that no new life is created in any jar of peanut butter means that evolution does not happen. WTF? Are you nuts?

If you're still thinking at this point: no, this is not a proof against evolution.

The question why life started in this corner of the universe is still an interesting question, but refuting evolution is naive and plain outright stupid. If you base your morals on arguments and counter arguments for and against things you will pretty sure see an overwhelming dominance of proof for evolution everywhere. The fact that this video was made is quite scary.

Stop the non-sense! Evolution is still here to stay.

Best clip of the year?

January 16, 2007
8 comments Politics

Best clip of the year? This has to be one of the best clip of the year. It's funny, scary and just outright amazing.

"What currency do they have in the United Kingdom" the report asks.
"I don know. American money?" answers the Texan man.

Sure, there are a lot of people in USA and not all of them are rednecks but those that are scare me more than insurgents in the middle east.

The scariest part of this clip is towards the end when they ask people if the support president Bush on Kyrgyzstan being a threat and whether the United States should invade it.

Disclaimer: I know a lot of Americans and they're lovely people. I do understand that this clip selects only few exceptional cases but that doesn't make the clip any less fun

Solar power in the north African desert

November 29, 2006
0 comments Politics

"Scientists say the global energy crisis can be solved by using the desert sun"

I've been wondering for a long time why the open deserts in north Africa isn't used for solar energy. There's 3 times as much sun there as there is in Europe. Unlike wind power plants in Europe, there's plenty of space for solar energy mirrors on the vast stretches of the north African desert.

This Guardian article is really interesting for me. Here are some interesting facts:

"[the two German scientists] calculate that covering just 0.5% of the world's hot deserts with a technology called concentrated solar power (CSP) would provide the world's entire electricity needs"

"Together the region could provide all its electricity needs by 2050 with barely any fossil fuels and no nuclear power. This would allow a 70% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from electricity production over the period."

The article also sheds some light on the comparison of fusion reactors compared to solar power.

"The outlook is not promising. More than 30 countries last week agreed to spend £7bn on an experimental fusion reactor in France which critics say will not produce any electricity for 50 years, if at all."

Bloggers not responsible for comment?

November 23, 2006
0 comments Politics

As some of my friends on this website have might have noticed, I was threatened by Carphone Ware because of supposed defamatory comments made on this page

Here's an interesting article on BBC News about a case (in USA I should add) where a blogger could not be sued for the comments other people placed on her blog.

"Overturning a decision by the San Francisco appeal court, the court ruled that people claiming they were defamed online could now only seek damages from the original author of the comments - and not the website which re-posted it."

I need to think a bit more about it before I resurrect the currently removed comments from the page about Carphone Warehouse.

Bill O'Reilly nailed

September 14, 2006
2 comments Politics

Bill O'Reilly nailed Unless you're a die-hard US republican you probably don't watch Fox News and the Bill O'Reilly show. You might, like me, remember him from a part of Fahrenheit 9/11 when he tells Jeremy Glick to shut up (or was that another film?)

Bill O'Reilly is a nut. A unsympathetic right-wing nut. It's people like him that causes us europeans to disrespect and, dare I, hate the USA. I like and have an open mind about the USA but it's people like Bill O'Reilly being shown on a large national network that just makes me feel sick.

Here's a great videoclip on where Phil Donahue has a right go at him. This is the best thing I've seen since George Galloway (my MP by the way) shredded this Sky News reporter to pieces

Dear american friends, if you want my respect back, do something to get these repulicans off the set. It's making me sick!

Oil, gas and stupidity

July 10, 2006
0 comments Politics

dilbert21046950060710.gif Today's Dilbert comic is brilliant.

For the uninitiated, Elbonia in the Dilbert comic is a returning made up country. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about Elbonia:

"It is an extremely poor, fourth-world Eastern European country that has recently abandoned Communism. Most of the nation is covered with waist-deep mud, which the residents use to build houses. Much of the economy is also mud-based."

What's funny about this strip is that it's so true in our world today.

"Groups" search on Google

November 30, 2005
0 comments Politics

When I can't remember the URL site I just search for it quickly in Firefox which is quicker than trying to remember the address. Today I needed to go to "Google Groups"n: but couldn't remember the address, so I searched for it on Google

Guess which site came up first?! Not Google, but their main competitor Yahoo! I guess this just gives Google more kudos because their indexes aren't tainted in their favour.

Misstake or hidden Nazi message?

September 13, 2005
6 comments Politics Times Online has at the bottom of its menu three little pics that links to Travel, Cars and Jobs. In case the images have changed since I wrote this, see my screenshot here.

Notice anything special?

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

Software Patents in the EU (Stallman's explaination)

June 21, 2005
1 comment Politics

If you work in IT or a business that is related to IT, you should be aware that the European Parliament is making a pivotal decision next month on allowing or rejecting software patents. If they go for it, it will hinder all small IT companies and destroy the future of non-profit projects like my IssueTrackerProduct.

If you're not fully clued up on the topic and don't know what to think: read this article

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.