Filtered by JavaScript, Python

Page 6


Brotli compression quality comparison in the real world

December 1, 2021
2 comments Node, JavaScript

At work, we use Brotli (using the Node builtin zlib) to compress these large .json files to files. When using zlib.brotliCompress you can set options to override the quality number. Here's an example of it at quality 6:

import { promisify } from 'util'
import zlib from 'zlib'
const brotliCompress = promisify(zlib.brotliCompress)

const options = {
  params: {
    [zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]: zlib.constants.BROTLI_MODE_TEXT,
    [zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: 6,

export async function compress(data) {
  return brotliCompress(data, options)

But what if you mess with that number. Surely, the files will become smaller, but at what cost? Well, I wrote a Node script that measured how long it would take to compress 6 large (~25MB each) .json file synchronously. Then, I put them into a Google spreadsheet and voila:


Total size per level


Total seconds per level

Miles away from rocket science but I thought it was cute to visualize as a way of understanding the quality option.

How to string pad a string in Python with a variable

October 19, 2021
1 comment Python

I just have to write this down because that's the rule; if I find myself googling something basic like this more than once, it's worth blogging about.

Suppose you have a string and you want to pad with empty spaces. You have 2 options:

>>> s = "peter"
>>> s.ljust(10)
'peter     '
>>> f"{s:<10}"
'peter     '

The f-string notation is often more convenient because it can be combined with other formatting directives.
But, suppose the number 10 isn't hardcoded like that. Suppose it's a variable:

>>> s = "peter"
>>> width = 11
>>> s.ljust(width)
'peter      '
>>> f"{s:<width}"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Invalid format specifier

Well, the way you need to do it with f-string formatting, when it's a variable like that is this syntax:

>>> f"{s:<{width}}"
'peter      '

How to bulk-insert Firestore documents in a Firebase Cloud function

September 23, 2021
1 comment Node, Firebase, JavaScript

You can't batch-add/bulk-insert documents in the Firebase Web SDK. But you can with the Firebase Admin Node SDK. Like, in a Firebase Cloud Function. Here's an example of how to do that:

const firestore = admin.firestore();
let batch = firestore.batch();
let counter = 0;
let totalCounter = 0;
const promises = [];
for (const thing of MANY_MANY_THINGS) {
  const docRef = firestore.collection("MY_COLLECTION").doc();
  batch.set(docRef, {
    favNumber: 0,
  if (counter >= 500) {
    console.log(`Committing batch of ${counter}`);
    totalCounter += counter;
    counter = 0;
    batch = firestore.batch();
if (counter) {
  console.log(`Committing batch of ${counter}`);
  totalCounter += counter;
await Promise.all(promises);
console.log(`Committed total of ${totalCounter}`);

I'm using this in a Cloud HTTP function where I can submit a large amount of data and have each one fill up a collection.

TypeScript generic async function wrapper function

September 12, 2021
0 comments JavaScript

I find this so fiddly! I love TypeScript and will continue to use it if there's a choice. But I just wanted to write a simple async function wrapper and I had to Google for it and nothing was quite right. Here's my simple solution, as an example:

function wrappedAsyncFunction<T>(
    fn: (...args: any[]) => Promise<T>
  ): (...args: any[]) => Promise<T> {
    return async function(...args: any[]) {
      try {
        return await fn(...args);
      } catch(error) {
        console.warn("FYI, an error happened:", error);
        throw error;
      } finally {


Here's a Playground demo

What I use it for is to wrap my Firebase Cloud Functions so that if any error happens, I can send that error to Rollbar. In particular, here's an example of it in use:

diff --git a/functions/src/cleanup-thumbnails.ts b/functions/src/cleanup-thumbnails.ts
index 46bdb34..a3e8d54 100644
--- a/functions/src/cleanup-thumbnails.ts
+++ b/functions/src/cleanup-thumbnails.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
 import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
 import { logger } from "firebase-functions";

+import { wrappedLogError } from "./rollbar-logger";
 const OLD_DAYS = 30 * 6; // 6 months
 // const ADDITIONAL_DAYS_BACK = 15;
@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ const PREFIX = "thumbnails";

 export const scheduledCleanupThumbnails = functions.pubsub
   .schedule("every 24 hours")
-  .onRun(async () => {
+  .onRun(wrappedLogError(async () => {
     logger.debug("Running scheduledCleanupThumbnails");


And my wrappedLogError looks like this:

export function wrappedLogError<T>(
  fn: (...args: any[]) => Promise<T>
): (...args: any[]) => Promise<T> {
  return async function(...args: any[]) {
    try {
      return await fn(...args);
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

I'm not sure it's the best or correct way to do it, but it seems to work. Perhaps there's a more correct solution but for now I'll ship this because it seems to work fine.

TypeScript function keyword arguments like Python

September 8, 2021
0 comments Python, JavaScript

To do this in Python:

def print_person(name="peter", dob=1979):

# prints: name=peter dob=1979

# prints: name=Tucker    dob=1979

# prints: name=peter dob=2013

# TypeError: print_person() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sex' TypeScript:

function printPerson({
  name = "peter",
  dob = 1979
}: { name?: string; dob?: number } = {}) {

// prints: name=peter    dob=1979

// prints: name=peter    dob=1979

printPerson({ name: "Tucker" });
// prints: name=Tucker   dob=1979

printPerson({ dob: 2013 });
// prints: name=peter    dob=2013

printPerson({ gender: "boy" })
// Error: Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'gender' 

Here's a Playground copy of it.

It's not a perfect "transpose" across the two languages but it's sufficiently similar.
The trick is that last = {} at the end of the function signature in TypeScript which makes it possible to omit keys in the passed-in object.

By the way, the pure JavaScript version of this is:

function printPerson({ name = "peter", dob = 1979 } = {}) {

But, unlike Python and TypeScript, you get no warnings or errors if you'd do printPerson({ gender: "boy" }); with the JavaScript version.