One hot ear Yesterday Sunday I went to one of Dennis Kung Fu camps in St Albans. It was a beautiful day with a chilled breeze.

We practised a two-man-pattern that I've never even seen before and it was great fun.

Just as it was getting dark I was just about the only one left in the field practising my patterns. (A pattern is a combination of movements you perform on your own to remember and learn your kung fu principles.) After a few runs I notice a strange thing. One of my ears got really hot. My forehead was normal and the other ear was really cold as normal. It was just like when you're about to get a fever except it was only the ear.

Strange but interesting since I've never experienced this. And no, there is no simple geometric explanation for it. It's got to be internal; or?


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Wow, was not expecting so many people have this problem. I just got this a couple hours ago, and now that I see most people are getting this from lack of sleep I feel that it was nothing to really worry about.


For the first time at age 51, I felt a burning sensation in my right year. I felt this right after i got in bed.


I'm going to post again It is with out a doubt stress related for me. I am 17 years old and of late have been dealing with anxiety attacks for a couple of months. Yesterday I was playing a video game at home and I got really into it. While I was playing my ear ached so I went to feel it and it was feeling hot again! the aches went away fast, but the burning staed until I finished the game later.

My question to you guys: Has anyone been in stressful events when these episodes occurred?


I've been looking for a cure and cause of this for a few years.. currently i'm looking for a relation between this and hot showers... I noticed i got RES after taking showers with too hot water for a long time... it may be coincidence or it may be not... I found out that showering with cold water strengthen the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, which often contributes to red and hot ears, Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body, and
cleans the circulatory system.
And all of this is in a relation with red,... Also get Magnesium supplements . sleep well, reduce anxiety and drink enough of water... All of this should help for now... hope someone else can provide some new and useful informations so we can solve and eliminate all of this.


i think u get hot ears wen u concentrate- i dnt hav hot ears but my da does lol!
who knows?? :)


Please allow me to provide a rather crude metaphor for how this condition makes me (and maybe even all of us) feel.
…imagine you're standing in front of a group of people giving a presentation. For a moment everything seems to be going well. Now imagine if you will, that every time you become nervous, embarrassed, angry, tipsy, too hot, too cold, out of breath, perfectly relaxed, laughing, frowning, happy or sad, a penis (yes, you heard me…a real penis) begins growing out from the center of your forehead. Now picture we're back at this speech you're giving in some over-heated office with 15 people waiting impatiently for you to come to a point. Suddenly, you feel IT coming on. Gently at first. Almost imperceptibly. A tiny tingling sensation. But you know from experience there's nothing innocent about it. Oh no, the penis from your forehead is coming.
It's little more than a nub now, but already you can see everyone's eyes begin to move up to your forehead and you know exactly what they're staring at and it's not your beautiful new hairdoo.
But here, ladies and gentlemen, is where it gets worse, much worse: the more self conscious you become about that hunk of meat now protruding from your forehead, the bigger, fatter and veinier it grows, until before long you look like some sad 1950's atomic experiment gone horribly wrong. At this point every eye in the room is burning into you and inside your now misshapen head a single painful thought is resonating over and over again. "Please let me wake up from this nightmare. Please oh please!" But you can't. And by this point your head feels like it's about to explode.
There's no escape.
So you soldier on, feeling like a freak, you finish up and when it's all over and done with and you've licked your wounds and 'gotten over it,' then you know you should get home and rest, because you have tomorrow's speech to look forward to.


I hope no one is offended by this. I just figured, hell, if we can't have a laugh over it then we're done for.


I know exactly how you feel, been there a few times. the metaphor is perfect. i avoid almost any kind of public/group speaking at work. and it's a shame because i would like to be a successful business person. I know that i may never get the chance because of this. good luck with your fight!


I posted the above little story because frankly, most people don't get what this RES stuff does to the people who have it. "Don't worry, no one cares." "So your all red, it's really not a big deal." "Try not to let it control your life." "It's all in your mind." Statements like these don't help. They belittle what for me has been a rather crippling disease.
As for myself, I've had some RES for most of my life, but in the last 3 years (I'm 34), it's become almost unbearable. Hot airless rooms, touch, strong emotions (happy, angry, sad etc), exercise (especially sex) all ignite my ears in a sudden and dramatic way. I won't say I have it worse than anyone else, but I will say that my ears don't get red, they get PURPLE and hot and they throb and will stay that way for hours on end.

Here's what I've tried to fix it:
Doctors (beyond useless)
Specialists (worse)
Dietary changes
Blood tests
V-beam laser

I'm a high school teacher so you can imagine how it's affected my life, personally and professionally. It's gotten to the point where I carry a tiny spray bottle around with me and mist my ears whenever I can. My friends ask me why I've been such a hermit lately. I'm running out of excuses. I'm always calculating. Ok, it's 87 degrees out and I'll have to take the subway so I'll already be screwed by the time I get there. No sorry guys, not feeling well.
What kills me the most is I'm, I'd say, extremely confident and love interacting with people. In the past, my level of social anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10 would probably have been a 1 or 2. Now it's about 12 or 13.
One of the doctors I went to see early on was convinced that, although I seemed calm, I was a worry wart and that my mind was responsible for making my ears bright red. I said "Really? Ok, do me a favor, turn your ears red for me please." To which she replied after some hesitation, "I can't." To which I said, "me neither." Interesting conversation.


Thanks earstick for sharing
so after everything you've done or tried to fix, none is working for you?

I seriously hope someone is coming up with a good remedy for it
I'm gonna take up some magnesium supplement..hope it does some wonder there


I'm glad I found this forum. Lots of posts and lots of helpful ideas to try. Short of a cure, we can at least commiserate together. ;-)
For about a week now I've been taking 500mg of magnesium supplements. I'm going to give it a month before I decide whether it's helping or not and I'll post once that month is up.
From my own research I'm convinced both my sympathetic nervous system and my immune system are on overdrive. My 'S.N.S.' giving me hot flashes and making me feel like a menopausal woman. My 'I.S.' freaking out anytime I touch my ears (urticaria maybe? who knows).
I'd say the most telling aspect of RES has to be that you don't see it around much. Not because no one has it and not because it's so rare, but because the people who have it go to great, unimaginable lengths to hide it. It keeps me indoors and ducking for cover, when all I wanna do is have a normal life.


Do let us know whether the magnesium is working for you or not? thx

Anonymous many people and so many posts with this red hot ear problem...My fiancee seems to have this from last one week now...Her ears turn red, hot and kind of a bit swollen as well..itchy at times and mostly in the evenings..sometimes both or other times one of them. I was trying to look for answers when I got directed to this place..but it's really hard to read all th posts..I wish someone could compile the posts together under a theme..such as PROBLEMS and TRIED SOLUTIONS or SOLUTIONS THAT WORKED and SUCCESSFUL DIAGNOSIS..Anyways a range of issues are mentioned here..and I am not sure where to start from to understand my fiancee's plight. But thanks anyways because it definitely cleared my doubt that she is the only one with this problem..


Any updates from you guys?


I can tell you right now emphatically that the RES syndrome is due to a congested/fatty liver. Doing some Liver Flush Detox and cleaning up our diets is the way to rejuvenate the Liver.


What makes you so confident that will work? Lots of people here have recommended rolled oats. Whenever I eat rolled oats my face and ears explode.


I have been suffering with this problem for about a year. I have come to the conclusion that the cause of red ear syndrome is broken capillaries underneath the skin on the ears. When a person with red ear syndrome has an increase in blood pressure (from eating hot food, taking a walk, showering, whatever), it causes blood to leak into the ear tissue from the broken capillaries. The blood will eventually drain out of the tissue, but it takes time. It is during this period that a person's ears will be red/purple and hot.

If broken capillaries are indeed the cause of red ear syndrome, it may be possible to fix this through laser surgery. I actually have an appointment for a consultation with a reputable laser surgery center next month. Hopefully, I will have good news to report.


Many might not afford laser surgery. But do let us know about your update. Hopefully it does miracle for you.


hoping to hear miracle news from you


I tried both IPL and Vbeam laser on my ears. Went through several extremely painful sessions and it didn't really seem to help me at all. There is a syndrome where blood pools in the extremities. I may have this as I often feel as though my fingers and feet are so filled with blood they're going to burst.
I've been taking 500mg of magnesium for about 3 weeks now and haven't noticed a huge difference. The only time I'd noticed a major improvement was when I was drinking lots of carrot juice (vit A and has anti inflammatory properties). Nothing else has worked quite as well.


but i also heard that you'll have to undergo a few session of laser treatment before completely healed.
Thanks for the tips of taking carrot juice. will try it out.


Hi Ive had hot ears, back of neck associated with anxiety at random times for a few years. Usually after wine, beer, prawns, salmon, etc. It responds to antihistamine tablets after 40min-1hr. It began to get worse and even though Im a doctor myself I couldnt figure it out. Initially my allergy team thought I had systemic mastocytosis, but it turned out in the end I had an intolerance to Sodium Metabisulfite and suddenly everything made sense. This preservative is in everything and your reaction to it depends on how much you expose yourself-even up to 48hrs later. See these links:


How did they figure out what you had an intolerance to? Is there a specific type of tests for this? My ears turn red immediately after eating yogurt or other things with active yeast cultures. The problem went away for 5+ years and recently returned after about a month of eating yogurt and cottage cheese with active yeast cultures.


I have red ears too. I am 11 years old and it ususally triggers after school. It is ALWAYS my right ear with this problem. I had this problem since elementary school and its been bothering me


Hey guys, I've had the condition all my life and I'm 31 now. I've read some posts about people having this temporarily or due to some medication, but I can tell you that this is a condition that some of us have endured for decades. So, those that have only had this condition for a short time, you should know that the problem is much deeper. If anyone has a support group or something let me know.
I've posted before here, but the main reason for this post has to do with the Magnesium supplements. I am reading from some that Magnesium is beneficial to our condition. I am also reading that any food containing sulfur or "sulfites" is a trigger for our condition.
FYI-I just bought a bottle of "Finest Natural" Magnesium supplements, 250mg, from Walgreens and they contain "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate". I'm guessing that sulfate is just as bad as sulfite. I am going to throw this bottle out and look for a new one.


I mentioned I'd report on my results from taking 500mg of magnesium a day so here it is. It's been over a month now and I can't say it's helped much more than 10-15% tops (placebo effect?). Drinking carrot juice 2-3 times a day, however, reduced both the duration and intensity of my RES by about 30%. So far I haven't seen anything beat that.

Neither could be considered a cure really, just something to help manage the symptoms. But my question is symptoms of what? Do all of us have the same thing? Or do we have different issues which exhibit the same symptoms?

As for me. My ears don't usually hurt, they swell quite a bit, but don't hurt. I get a tingle before they activate, then my ear and the surrounding area start getting hot. One side or both, it varies. Obviously by then they're very red (they're always a bit red). If I don't remove myself from whatever environmental factor is causing it they'll go nova in no time and take on the deep huge of red wine. If that happens I'm f***** for 2-3 hours minimum.

There's definitely a mental component to this, but for me the mental is simply a reaction to the onset of RES.


My eight-year-old son has had his left ear get hot and red when he's tired since he was a toddler. We always used to tell him he couldn't hide the fact that he was tired b/c his ear let us know when it was time for him to get to bed. For the last year or so I've noticed that my four-year-old son has this problem as well but not as often as my older son. Like so many of you on this site, I had no idea it was such a common problem. When I asked my doctor about it years ago, she really had no comment about it b/c she had never heard of it! She acted as if I was crazy for even bringing it up. I wish I knew about all of you when I talked to her about it! I also wish there was a definite known cause. I find it interesting that the majority of people that deal with this are boys/men. My daughter has never dealt with this problem, but both of my boys do.


Hi everyone, I had hot ear (only right ear) problem all my life and my best solution is to apply ice on it for a while. I am healthy 34/M from Vancouver BC. My ear gets hot at 6-6:30 everyday just before I have my dinner after a tiring day. If I am extra tired then my face gets a bit warm as well. Over the years I have associated this with being tired and my hot ear cools down after an hour.

A friend of mine says that the human body has a way of cooling the blood temperature by utilizing the relatively thin body part "ears". This theory makes sense if the problem really is the blood warming up a small fraction higher than the normal body temperature because the ears would be the ideal location to drop the increase in temperature. A warmer blood may also mean a temporary weakness in the body (a combination of hunger+tiredness+stress) after a long day but not enough weakness to put you in bed sick. But your body is fighting anyways. Please let me know if this makes sense.


I'm positive that it is communicable. I'd like to see the CDC take notice. I've have it since 1987 - anybody had it longer than that?


To Anonymous from Vancouver - what you say makes a lot of sense. I think your theory and the "broken capillaries" theory above are the best explanations so far. It makes you wonder though, if you are right, why the Hell the body doesn't use the toes for this "blood cooling" mechanism. Why the ears ??? It's crazy that after millions of years of evolution the body hasn't developed an "embarrassment consideration" to it's functions.
I don't think there is a mental cause to this, but the anxiety from the social embarrassment could worsen the effect, the ear could get hotter and redder. The body and mind reinforce each other and outcome is very bad. But I believe the initial redness is purely physiological. I hope there would be some magic pill to prevent it. When it happens to me in public there's one thing on my mind: there is no god.


I get RES too. By the way, we were created perfect by God. I suggest that any Christians reading this pray for this ABC guy. God Bless you :-)


I have RES for 3 years, the neurologist I consulted believe that this is because the lack of oxygen to the brain. I have a deviated septum that breathing the air is less during night with sleap apnea causing the redness in the face and ear, I feel sleepy during the day and my hand num during the night that is due to sleep Apnea. does anyone have similar symptoms?

Mohamad N.


Hi, I am 49 and have RES for 3 years. I have done all the test and all is fine (MRI, blood test, 24 hours urine, TSH). it happened once a day right or left ear. after consultation with the neurologist, he beleive that it is because lack of exygen to the brain. I have deviated septum in one nostril of the nose, breating with snoring at night may be the cause of that. I tried the magneseum supplement, it did not helped much, the carrot juice help id reducing the frequency of the suymptom. does anyone have similar symptom with sleep apnea?


I posted before about the fact that this disease is communicable. I have observed it firsthand, and I'm curious if anyone else has comment. It's not allergies or a magnesium deficiency - I know we all wish it was, so that we could be free from it that easily, but it's not. I have seen the disease spread through my family and co-workers, and until the medical community treats this RES as communicable rather than laughable, I'm afraid that we will continue to suffer. I'm in my 40's now; it started in my senior year of High School. It has profoundly affected my life, and not for the bettter. When I read these posts, the ones that truly break my heart are from the young kids who are suffering and looking for answers - I remember how horrible it was to sit in class and feel the redness start and the anger and helplessness that went with it. At least now I have positioned myself in a career where I can be outside (and usually alone) when I get a flare up. I hope that there will be a cure some day. I do think that some people have a natural immunity to this, so I have to believe that there is hope. By the way, I have to agree with another poster that men are more likely to contract the disease than women. Also, and this is probably totally unconnected and coming out of left field, but does anyone else have a dark colored spot on either ear - kind of like a freckle or mole? Like behind the ear, or on the edge? Take care all - I wish you the best in your struggles.


yes i have that black spot - kind of like a mole deep bellow the edge of my ear.


A deep mole - that's how I would describe it. I asked because I have one and I noticed it on some stranger who had an RES flare-up in the elevator. Anyone else? Any connection? Unless Anonymous is the guy from the elevator, that's three people.


I'm waay late to this thread, but in case anyone else winds up here; I've been getting one red/hot ear as long as I can remember. I'm 31 now, been happening since at least 5 - 6. Also a male, and also have a spot on the top of one ear.


Hi all, I have had this condition for 24 years on an almost daily basis. Its wrecking my head as so far as embarrassment and anxiety go. This anxiety and embarrassment , I must add are a by product of a greater cause. I haven't drunk alcohol in 4 years and no change. I get the red ears thing kicking in between 5 and 6-30 pm every day. I have tried changes to diet (no dairy, wheat / Gluten , modified foods, processed foods, caffeine, preservatives, seafood) = no change. I have broken my jaw at the TMJ joint (just infront of my right ear and I thouoght that was a culprit but now after reading so many similar stories I doubt it. I lost 1 x lung, spleen and ruptured many organs in a car accident but again after reading so many similar stories from people who have no similar medical history I also dont see this as relevant. I have had physio, chiropractic treatments etc on my back and next (manipulations and readjustments) and this seems to help for a few days then its back to the same old pattern . One thing I did notice yesterday is that when I feel one of these episode coming on, like Im overheating etc I saw that my entire chest was red then blended into a darker red in my face and my ears were just glowing crimson. So I beleive there is a metabolic trigger or catalyst that sends blood to the capillaries network but the "return flow" doesn't engage so to speak. Its almost as if the blood gets sent to the upper extremities (ears, head) as it does after a hot shower but fails to "switch off" for a few hours. It doesnt drain back down... Like a fight or flight the body is in panic mode... God its annoying the hell outta me. I also get bi-lateral temporal pounding when these episodes start up.. Like the worst headaches you can imagine because I can literally feel the blood pumping through the blood vessels in front of and to the ears. I have tried all sorts of medications, vaso dilators, vaso constrictors, anti inflammatories, massive vitamin doses, (B2, B 12 , C ..everything). Prednisone, pain killers...nothing to date has helped in the slightest.
I work at a desk all day. I finish work > drive for about 40 minutes > get home and this redness thing kicks in. It rarely happens in the weekends but if I am hunched over a computer all day and I straighten out after driving home it kicks off. Like a massive release of blood to the upper capillaries. Someone must have an answer. I am currently seeing a neurologist who wants to x ray the area of my spine (Occipital) area, where the head joins the spine and also do a EEG to see brain activity.
After 20 or so years of no solution, this condition is ruling my life. Im not kidding, it puts me in bad moods when it happens and I become very anti social because of the embarrassment factor.
I will update this post with a result of the Nuro dudes suggestions in a week or so.


Hi I am 25, I have had the issue of one hot ear. I believe to have inherited it from my father. From what I have been able to conclude and research, it does seem to be an allergy to sulfites and perhaps sulfa in medications.

I am allergic to erythromycin (sulfa based) since a child. I was hospitalized and injected with benedryl which contains sodium metabisulfate and broke out in hives around the injection site (mild hives but not a normal reaction to an antihistamine). I have taken benedryl since and notice the all annoying "red ear" (always the right ear).

When I drink wine I do also have the same red right ear, as does my father. However, what I am most intrigued by is the correlation with ADHD. I was diagnosed years ago, but only recently started taking medication for it. I do notice at night as the medication wears off I have the red right ear. This prompted my inquire into this symptom since my medication contains what seems to be a form or many forms of sulfates.

I am sure a doctor would be very capable of explaining the correlation further, but after reading this site I am surely going to ask about it.


i got that, my left ear sometimes my right start glowing each every night and day, especially in the winter, i cant sleep because of it


I have had a bit of a breakthrough (over the last few days any way). I started taking ginkgo jojoba 2500 mg tablets, just one in the morning and the red ear situation seems to have abated completely.
I tested it by having a very hot shower around the time in the afternoon when these red ear episodes are at their worst and there was not a sign of the past condition of one then both ears engorging with blood and turning scarlet red. I will see what the next few weeks do but it seems to have a very positive effect so far. Ginkgo Jojoba is a natural remedy for circulation problems so it sort of makes sense.


I have had some sort of breakthrough by taking 60mg (1 x 000 size tablet) of Ginkgo Jajoba in the morning. 6 days and no red ears, even after a hot shower in the afternoon...the worst time in the past for this condition to flare up. Ginkgo is to aid circulation in the body so that kind of makes sense.


There are medical treatments being used off licence to treat this reported in medical literature, including alpha blockers (e.g. moxonodine or clonidine) and anti-depressants (e.g. mirtazapine). The causation can be rosacea of the ears, which is damaged blood vessels, although there are other causations to this syndrome.

Me too Iguana

My initial concern was a problem that I am having with fluid in the MIDDLE ear; it won't drain and I'm about 75% deaf in one ear about half the time (sometime it pops and I'm OK for a few hours). My doctor put me on 2 weeks of antibiotics and 4 weeks of alergy/decongestant meds. I think that the doc put me on the antibiotics because of what he saw and maybe because of my reddened ear. I am to the 3rd week and very little change. I'm scheduling an appt with an ENT specialist.

Last night, I Googled "hot ear" (maybe red ear) and got you guys. Anxiously, I scrolled all the way to the bottom for the end of the story. No such luck. I was hoping there might be a connection.

On this board, I've seen soooo many with the red ear problem. Some were suggesting some pretty scary reasons and some some equally scary solutions so I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth and my story.

I'm 65/M. I know that I've had this condition since, at least, 1969 because I remember a man in my office had the same problem; his ear was "purple". Maybe mine turns purple sometime, I don't know. I may have had it before then, I just don't remember for sure. Since I've had this for 42+ years, I don't think it is a precursor to anything like lupus or an autoimmune problem and I'm not going to have laser treatments.

HOWEVER, with as many of us as there are, there may be as many DIFFERENT answers. Please continue to address your problems, just don't go overboard.

Comment to zero: I've got you beat.
Comment to ABC: Maybe evolution IS crazy and there really IS a God.


My ear just gets a rush of warm air, which feels unatural, there is no pain, once or twice it was a little uncomfortable. It lasts for only a short time and usually in the right ear.


I have cured my RES....I take parsley everyday, maybe a potato..the key ingredient is potassium...When i keep my potassium up, and decrease sodium, my RES goes away...Trust me, i have documented this for some time now...This has worked for me, maybe it will work for you...Sodium sensitivity plays out within the ears, do urself a favor and try it, and see if it have nothing to lose...Oh, BTW when it does work for you, make sure i get the credit, thanks


I posted before that I found something that revealed this condition, namely Ginko Jojoba,....well it doesn't! things are back to their rosy worst. arrrrrrrgggghhhh!


Some people might find this beneficial..but after documenting what I ate and how my ears reacted, in my condition I believe it still to be a Sodium Sensitive issue which manifests itself in the RES..


To Anonymous from Vancouver and ABC...I live in Malaysia and it is always hot here. As far as me getting red ears goes, it happens more or less around the same 2 hour window most days between 5 and 7 pm. I can be out during the morning in 35 C degree heat (95 Fahrenheit) and I dont get the ears flaring up and turning red so the whole cooling idea may be questionable.


when i was younger it happened a lot. i would put water on them and it would cool them off. It only happenes to me if they get touched or handled.

red ear lovers

hallooo red ear lovers :D
now my right ear is gettin hot and red.
I have little research about that case, im getting red and hot while i get new experience and i'am so exited about that. i dunno why. lol
but,its cool when you are in the mirror. like half devil ;p


I found this website a while ago, and have only been posting my own experiences over the past 6-7 months. But this red ear problem has been slowly ruining my life for the last 5 years. Now keep in mind, my red ears weren't just in the evening or when it was hot. Anything and everything gave me red ears. Not just red, but purple. No joke. And every single day for 5 years without exception.

I've tried every dietary change I could think of, and I've listed some of those things in earlier posts so I won't
waste time recapping, but rest assured, I was desperate enough that I even contemplated having them surgically
removed and replaced with some kind of transplant. LOL. Sounds retarded, but at the time, it seemed like a viable
option. ANYWAY, my girlfriend--who's been worried about the effect this has had on me--convinced me to try a high quality (but low cost) concealer and holy crap, you wouldn't believe how well this works. It's literally given me my life back. Best part for me as a guy. It doesn't look like I have anything on at all. I was shocked and frankly very hesitant about the whole thing since what guy wants to go around with make-up on. Of course you have to match it to your skin tone, so I'd advise getting samples of it first, and a little paint brush looking thing to apply it. Oh also remover to take it off before you put on a different shade. Lock yourself away for a day as I did and experiment. I don't know &%#* about make-up, but the one she got me was Redness Solutions by Clinique. It's 25 bucks a bottle and I only wish I'd found this stuff before spending a couple grand on laser. Oh another thing, when I'm out sometimes I can feel my ears getting hot and my brain says 'oh crap here we go,' but then I hit the washroom and check the mirror and they're totally normal looking. It kind of messes with your head...but in a good way. Anyway, I hope this helps someone.


This sounds like me to a T. I have had this/noticed it since I was in 6th grade and it can certainly make a mess out of your social life, largely because people are complete asses and always point it out to make you feel embarrassed. I have always wondered are any of you suffers married or have serious girlfriends? I have always worried about passing this crap on to future children as I would not want them to suffer from this, also not sure many women would want a guy like me.

Lukaii 66

WOW! what a huge amount of people that are divulging their red ear problems. I have the same problem, however it only happens very rarely for me. The last time i had it was at a college open evening. My right ear went bright red and hot, it has happened alot prior to this as well. Also it itches and is drives me crazy, its embarrasing as well, is there anything that could necessarily cause it? Stress? Tiredness?


I have done some research, and it is a superstition, Its if your ears are warm someone is talking about you, Right ear is something bad, Left ear is something good. : ) I get it all the time!!!!!!


Does anyone who suffers this Red Ear thing also get neck and back problems? Pain in the neck / back. I have noticed that this happens to me more at the end of the day if I have been sitting all day at a computer with few breaks. Also when I drive home and get out of the car within 10 -20 minutes the right ear goes red then both go so very red it does my head in. Cold shower relieves it for about 5 minutes but after that its with me for two hours approx. My neck is always painful as well as tightness in my shoulders and middle / upper back. It seems that there is a reaction where the blood flows to the ears in a fight / flight response then sort of stays stuck on full and the blood doesn't return, it just keeps sending more so the ears are red and inflamed. Really embarrassing as everyone has a laugh when they look at me. Also , I have broken my jaw in the past...just saying...


Hello! ekeadek interesting ekeadek site! I'm really like it! Very, very ekeadek good!


I am 13 and this happens to me. My left ear appears pretty red, and when I touch it, it is warmer then my right ear. It's kinda embarrassing and sometimes people comment on it. But by look at this site I can tell that this is common and probably not dangerous, just embarrassing. So many people wouldn't have it and yet doctor's don't know what it is if it was dangerous. They would've figured it out by now.
So basically I'm saying: chill and everyone... and even though it sucks to have this is part of you so get used to it.


Omg I get this as well but strangely only on my left ear and many people get on there left ear I've also got a cold and I only started getting it when my cold started


My ear lobes gt hot & itchy its starting to swell, then my heart palpitates, i am about to sleep bt my breathing isnt normal... my stomach aches a bit... :(

Kiss Pista

Hi Everybody!

I also have this hot red ear thing for years, now I've found the solution for me. It came true that I have several food allergy (milk, soy, egg, nuts...etc) and If i avoid to eat these kind of foods I am totally good. No hot ear, no red ear. Now I am sooooo happy, because I know how to handle this problem, it is easier then I ever thought. :) Good luck for all of you! Greetings from Hungary.


@ Kiss, congrats that you have had some success. When you had the allergy test was it blood tests or scratch tests? have you tried eating one or all of these foods to see if they do cause reddening of your ears?


I successfully used a multi sensory approach to healing in order to gain control over my hot, red ears. If interested, you can read my story and see a detailed description of the methods I used by going to:

McKenzie P

This has been happening to me my whole life. Not even exaggerating. And I'm a girl, so it's not a guy thing. Any explanations why???


Hey, the right side of my head tingles, then my right ear gets throbbing red like molten iron blood's being pumped thru it, and I want to stare into space or wander. and i cant concentrate on more than youtube videos or reading wikis. what the heck?


Sounds like ADHD, which is what I have, as well as RES!


My left ear gets hot and red when I drink alchohol.....WTF?

Red ear Rob

The sun makes my right ear beet red and somewhat hot.

Susan Lewis

Hey,like one guy said I never knew this is such a problem for so many of us!!
 Both ears just got beet red and hot as a frying pan! I have not noticed one or more things that causes them to become hot,I could be at the computer,on the phone,reading,it always sneaks up on me without warning,I have had this for as long as 10 years and it makes me want to scream,because my Dr told me he had no idea what causes it....
Well the only thing that kinda help is when I place a really cold washcloth on it for a prolong period of time and or sit in front of the fan,I usually try to calm down because I get very frustrated when it happens....Lady J


To add to my other comment the reason people get the red hot ears or for some like myself who also feel like their face and neck are burning, is because people who have lyme disease can have extreme sensitivity to hot and cold. The most common is heat! This can be something as simple as the heat from your cell phone or hair dryer. This was a huge problem for me during the summer time. Almost as bad this winter because it has gotten worse and i have the problem just by going outdoors in the cold and then going back in my house that is heated. Those of you who may not be able to afford going to a doctor right now might check and see if you have leftover antibiotics. Obviously professionals will say to consult a doctor first but if your like me an average american, you cant always afford to do this. So you might try what i did and see if it helps you at all. If your symptoms start to get better then i would say theres a good chance you have lyme disease. Not all antibiotics will work but the most common used for this disease is doxycyclin. The one i had extra was a generic for keflex 500 mg ( cephalexin). I only took 1 in the morning and again about dinnertime.


tomato, ADHD, seem to be the recurrent theme here. I had ADHD as a kid. And i just ate a lot of tomato the whole week.

beth wales

funny you should have said that,ss .Daughter has had red ear syndrome all her life (she's 22).Usually happens right after evening meal .Last night a friend was here for dinner and remarked that daughters ear hadn't gone red(we had homemade korma curry.You would expect a curry to have an effect).Friend said she knew someone who had an allergy to fruits with seeds in them(including tomatoes).Decided to test the theory and gave daughter a cherry tomato.We watched as her ear went red hot and redness extended down her cheek.This could have been coincidence,so will test further.(tomato is part of the nightshade family which includes potato and aubergine,-all of which I use frequently).

beth wales

Some people have hypersensitivity to salicylates which are in tomatoes,berries and oranges
I'm researching the effect of histamines on the body(which can cause vasodilation and allergies/intolerance).A lot of fruits, including tomatoes,contain this.
Apparently, taking Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2, (which can be depleted through the winter months) can help. Posters here have mentioned their RES gets worse in winter.
.A lot of Vit D3 supplements contain magnesium stearate, which someone on here has also said has helped them.

beth wales

My daughters ear went bright red after eating a cherry tomato last night.The redness spread down her cheek too. She has had RES since she was 4 and is now 22.

Scott David

Here is what has finally (26 years searching for any relief from Red Eras) and this has nailed it far so good anyway.
Sibelium 5mg plus 20mg Inderal (Propronol)morning and same again 3pm.

A neurologist put me on this regime after I researched and Australia Medical White Paper on Red Ear Syndrome that I purchased online.

Sibelium is Flunarizine. SIBELIUM is a selective calcium antagonist. It prevents cellular calcium overload by reducing excessive transmembrane calcium influxes.

this has worked so well . I have had 2 episodes of vascular Red Ear in a month. Before that it was daily.


I also have this embarrassing irritating symptom surfacing every day.
How does it influence people around you, does their ears also go red?


Mike, it's not helpful to make fun of peoples worries.
No, of course it doesn't "influence" anyone around you.
It appears it is possibly a dietary problem (histamine or sulfites) or a vascular imbalance.
There could be numerous reasons why it happens evening more than morning,or when people are tired.Could also be linked to neck strain/compression.(after sitting at a desk/computer for a while)
It's always worth trying some diet exclusion for 2 weeks at a time, cutting out one thing you regularly eat ,or foods that have vinegar for example, to see if it makes a difference.It doesn't cost anything and doesn't involve potent drugs.



I have had this challenge for some time as well. Left ear will get hot and red usually every afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00. I sit at a desk all day.

What works for me every time is taking a small portion (5mg) of a beta blocker (atenolol) in the morning. Although I don't necessarily feel stressed every time this happens, it seems the sympathetic nervous systems kicks in for some reason. Unfortunately atenolol makes me feel drowsy, forgetful at times and less sharp so it is not the ideal solution.

Would be interesting to know if this works for others.


Well last night I stayed up until 3:30 am
Eating steak and tv night. Any ways I've been staying
Up for around 3 days. I think it happens because
It could be STRESS considering I go to school
Also it could be a good sign of EAR INFECTION.
Or the common COLD. So sleep, be healthy
And try to keep clean to stop any sickness. Hope this helps!


Holy wow! My left ear since I was a kid has often gotten hot, like right at this moment it's hot! Over 1,000 comments and I don't feel so alone with it! My grandma and my mom always said when the left ear gets hot it means someone that loves me is talking about me... The right ear means someone is talking out of spite about me. Left ear love, right ear spite.

Monique Bryant

I can tell when my ear will be bright red. It gets really hit first. It's always my right ear and 90% of the time I get a migraine on the left side of my head. My whole head hurts, but my left eye feels like a hot poker is stabbing it.

Something strange happened during the last year. My son, who just turned 14 has had this happen to him also. His right ear gets hot and rd, and bam, a migraine on the left side.
I know they say migraines can be hereditary, I believe that. Or maybe it's just that my whole family has the same life style. Idk.
One more strange thing. I rarely get a migraine on the right side of my head, and neither does my son. But I have had on occasion the left ear get hit and red, but in this case I have yet to get a headache of any kind.

If I can get ice on my ear quick enough, I can sometimes stop the headache from coming.
I also get migraine from weather. My son and I will wake up in the morning and I will have a migraine. Before I say anything, he's calling out to me to come help, for he has one too.
I can predict rain coming from my migraines, despite the weather report, ( sometimes they are wrong ) it's better for me to have it pour rain or snow, then it build up.

I think a red ear has something to do with blood vessels. Idk why this happens, but I don't think it's from a trigger that I can avoid. As my son nod I get them at the same time, despite eating different foods, or how much sleep we hot etc. and since he doesn't have a period I don't think its hormonal. He is in puberty, and going thru chemical changes but this started when he was 11.


I experience this red ear thing always in my right ear. And I usually notice it when my ear is turning red because it begins to get hot. I have tried connecting the dots and I have concluded so far that it usually happens when I am approached or speaking with someone I am a little uncomfortable being around. I also happen to not have a fond opinion of these people and I question their character.

Haran g

OMG Same with me shena its crazy someone who i generally know says bad of me or i know so (family) makes me get heated whenever there's silence or awks' as i know from past how they single me out and say shit!😬☝️ 😭😥😢 Plus jus chillin my left ear at first used to be heated now it can be either although i went for acupuncture and first few days i felt better n nada anxiety point i need to go again had reflexology too it's a process!!🖐️

Too cool my ear i use a water spray bottles which is godsend TBF, sports towel thing with cool water best in summer, ice packs with nexk pillow so it stays secured

Lonise godinet

My right ear gets really hot for no reason and I have no idea why, its kind of wierd
because it was freezing and only my right ear was hot and my left was freezing cold. I want to know why but no one has any answers...

Madiha faraz

Did u get the reply for this? Bcuz I'm facing this same issue with my son n I want to knw abt it also. If u knw anything abt it plz share

Haran g

Try look at red ear syndrome thats one thing idk why! best remedies besides ice n water, going outside isss ibuprofen n painkillers i heard. Then creams if diagnosed n stuff they numb nerves even surgerys can be done I read!


Met too has been happening for long time and Dr. dont know either


I also get hot ears once in a while and i really get uncomfortable.Sometimes my palms get really hot than the rest of the body and i don't know the cause

Talal Alawadhi

This is amazing to see all my fellow sufferers under one thread. just here to add my name on the list :,D

colin dickinson

I have had hot ears since I was 20 years old but this slowed down until recently when it started again for the last 2 months.
This time I know it is a telepathic contact with a girl relation who has become very close to me.
I have even recorded the times this happened; some times my ears will be burning from 8.00pm until 1.00pm other times it will be in the morning when she gets out of bed !, but this happens most days, it dose not matter what I am doing sitting walking at home or at the pub driving it still happens.
When I was 20 I had a telepathic connection to a girl, when my ears became red hot I knew she wanted to contact me and I was correct all the time I even knew where she was.
Also I have had constant telepathic / premonitions and out of the body incidents throughout my life including some of the unbelievable dreams you can ever think of I can instantly recall a large number of my dreams even dating back to when I was 5 years old.
To me; we are special !.


hey, wow I cant believe I found other people that have the same problem as me! lol. anyway, im 13 years old and I've recently had a lot of problems and stress created in my life. but I don't think stress is the cause... I mean it could be, but I think i'd trust the other possibilities as well. my left ear, almost everyday gets RED like extremely red and burning HOT. this happens at about 1:30ish to about 2:30ish almost everyday... ( an hour ). which everyone asks me about it, its pretty obvious to everyone around me... I mean, I feel like its not normal-not common. of course I've asked my teachers about it as well, many have said that its high blood pressure. I know that high blood pressure is created from stress... which makes sense because of me being so stressed out and worried about everything that's going on in my life right now. but I mean, this hot red ear thing will happen even when I've had a great day-when I have no reason to be worried or stressed. I don't really know, its not normal for 13 year olds to get high blood pressure...I think... is it? although, its good to know that there's others with this problem too. gosh, this is so weird. anyone agree? lol. please comment any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions... anything back to me and i'll answer back ASAP. thanks!


I used to have RES every day, two years ago, I had surgery for the deviated septum, it was partially succesful. RES stops for some time, it went back after sometime but less frequent but was more during the winter, . recently I managed to control it and found that the main reason is the deviated septum where less oxygen reach the brain and had the sleelessnes during the day followed by RES. I am no using the nasal strip to keep the noze open, I avoided sleeping in the back that was the main reason for snoring and normal breathing.I am having much less RES duringthe day. I am using the nose drop to keep the airway open during night. you can try it for a couple of weeks and inform back on the results.


I am mid 50. I've experienced the same for my right ear. I've started Tai Chi (Chen Style) until sweat (20 min) with long 85 forms regularly every morning. The symptom (one Red, Red Ear) could be some thing related to "Ki" starting move in body meridian.


Hello everyone.
My friend has the same problem. He tried the cucumber slices solution and it worked. Simply, place the cucumber slices on your ear and when it bcomes hot, replace it with another slice.
Hope you will benefit from this too.

Aman Chaudhary

Always my both the ears get red and hot.......then after that I get restless and tired and my
forehead becomes heavy and it continues for 3-5 hours occurs frequently twice or thrice day
..these day my whole face become red and hot and its a very weird experience ,,,,

IF anyone could help me or could suggest something i would be very THANKFUL to him


Hi i have this thing too i always blew it off but i didnt realise it was an actual thing. Today i had it twice on same ear, and I was particulaly tired today. I tried the tongue trick and surprisingly i think it did provide relief while i was doing it, it felt like a less warm flow of blood but worked less when i stopped. (the technique is to press your tongue on the roof of you mouth right at the back so your tongue is "folded over" ) good luck ;)


haaaa i'm too suffering from this problem. i thought it occurs with me only... But after seeing this post and number of comment i am feeling realy good. i even laughed when i saw people talking about their right ear becoming hot as my right ear also becomes hot frequently. by the way their any solution for preventing this problem

LInda Germany

I have this red ear often. If I get too warm, doing computer work, when I have a glass of wine, when I am tired, when stressed. I use an ice pack and it soothes it. Ahhhh. Usually my right ear, but has been my left ear also.

dale baird

 just thought I may have been on the way out,always my left and ringing in my ears started about the same time ,has anyone else experienced the locusts or crickets as I call them,hell at first I thought I was
same as with the other stories, always at night and the locusts also become louder in the evenings.

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