URL: http://customerevangelists.typepad.com/photos/krispy_kreme/

Don't ask me how I came across this but it really caught my attention. Here are a few photos for the store opening of a doughnut shop in Indiana, USA. On the night before the opening they give the people who have been waiting all night company t-shirts with their queue number on the back. One guy waited outside the shop for 17 days, in a tent. What did he get for that? Cash? A car? No, he got the t-shirt with number 1 on it and the honour to switch on the big new neon sign. Wow!

Us europeans have a lot to learn from the north americans when it comes to commercialism. Many commerce ideas are copied with success here in the UK and Sweden but often with many years delay.

Here's another link about the marketing on the store opening



Dear Dude,
Sorry for no knnowing your name bu how many shops have Krispy Kremes produce in now in he USA????


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